Important Instructions for Candidates Appearing in MDCAT-2023
The University of Health Sciences (UHS), Lahore will conduct the Medical & Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT)-2023 on Sunday, 27th August 2023 in 11 cities of the Punjab. Here are the important instructions for candidates appearing in the MDCAT-2023:
- Candidates must download their Admittance Card from the UHS website (www.uhs.edu.pk) by clicking “Download MDCAT-2023 Admittance Card” button provided on the Homepage with effect from Friday, 18th August 2023.
- Candidates must bring their Original CNIC/NICOP/JC/Passport/B-Form and print-out of their Admittance Card to the test centre.
- The following items are strictly prohibited in the test centres: Cell Phone, Calculator, Books or Notes, Weapons or Arms, Bags, Electronic Devices such as Smart and Digital Watches, Headphones, Bluetooth, Metallic Pens, etc.
- Candidates must be at their respective test centres from 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM on 27th August 2023. Centres will be sealed at 09:00 AM and nobody will be allowed to enter after that. The test shall start at 10:00 AM and will conclude at 01:30 PM.
- Parents/relatives will not be allowed inside and around the premises of test centre.
- No arrangement will be made at the centres for keeping any articles/items belonging to the candidates.
For detailed instructions, please go through the “Information Booklet MDCAT-2023” available on UHS website (www.uhs.edu.pk).
Download Your MDCAT-2023 Admittance Card Now!
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