Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2023 Applications Open No GRE no Application Fee
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PhD Program 2022-2023
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Scholarships & Felowship 2023
The School is funded largely by an endowment provided by generous private donors. The Ph.D. program stipend is currently $40,000 per year. Students who are awarded an external fellowship—NSF, NIH, or other government or private organization—receive a stipend of $44,000, or the amount of their fellowship’s stipend (whichever is higher). The School pays all tuition costs and associated study fees for its students. Students receive a new laptop and all necessary software and textbooks, roughly $3,500 of materials.
Admissions Criteria
Applicants must have received a Bachelor of Arts or Sciences or equivalent degree from an accredited university or college prior to matriculation.
Application Deadline:
Applications must be submitted online by December 1st
How to Apply
2023 Applications are now open. Apply Now
There is no minimum GRE or TOEFL score requirements.
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