Introducing Solids: A Month by Month Schedule Newborns Parenting Advice Baby Tips & Care
When my niece Zoe started on solids everyone remarked what a great eater she was. From the time she was about 6-months-old, she devoured apples, zucchini, and pretty much everything else we gave her. It was exciting to watch her try new foods and love them, but I think the real star of the show was Zoe’s mom, Sara. Instead of sticking with just a few tried and true foods, she methodically introduced new items one by one, giving little Zoe a more varied diet than many adults can boast! As a former food editor pregnant with my first child, I already daydream about seeing that same joy I saw on Zoe’s face as I introduce new foods to my baby. Read on for an outline of when to feed your baby certain solids.
Introducing solids to your baby? Find out what to feed your baby and when. Introducing solids does not have to be so confusing!
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