Sean Dent put together a fantastic list of 10 things that always happen five minutes before the end of every shift. As he points out, you may know this time at the end of your shift as “the witching hour.”
But we wanted to hear your stories of shift change, so we went to our Funny Nurses Facebook page to find out. As usual, we got some fantastic answers. Read 10 of them below and be sure to leave your own in the comments!
“Who actually gets out on time?”
—Sonja O.
“Admission, fresh post-op, pull catheter out, and the list goes on. LOL.”
—Mitch W.
“I did well with shift change, EXCEPT when my relief was late. I was NEVER late for work (it’s a Guin thing), and to me, the rudest thing a relieving nurse can do is show up late. It’s total lack of respect for your coworkers.”
—Pat G.
“Finger painting with feces.”
—Brandi A.
“Toward the end of my shift, I patrol the halls like a prison guard…actually I do that all day long, so hopefully I can stop someone from doing something that’ll make them fall!”
—Shannon C.
“Admission, code, admission that codes, extubation, intubation…and the realization that you haven’t peed in 12 hours…”
—Rosemary A.
“Stat C-section 10 minutes before the worst shift of your life is over.”
—Sue P.
“One of ‘those’ doctors will come in and insist you accompany him to see each one of his patients.”
—Darla R.
“Never tell your patients when your shift ends!! It’s like they plot against you leaving!!”
—Claudia G.
“Then there is that rare occurrence when you’re totally exhausted, totally spent, at the end of your rope, when someone walks up to you and tells you that you are the reason why he/she is alive today!”
—Richard S.
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